Интересные вопросы

ГДЗ, английский язык, верещагина, spotlight, афанасьева 9класс Задание 7e №1b

b For-and-against essays discuss the pros and cons of a specific topic. They are written in a formal style.
In the introduction we present the topic without giving your opinion.
In the main body paragraphs we present the points for and against in separate paragraphs. We support our arguments with justifications and examples. We start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. We support the topic sentence with examples and justifications.
In the conclusion we write a balanced summary of points of the main topic and give our opinion. Appropriate linkers are used to connect similar ideas and introduce opposing ideas.
Read the rubric and answer the questions.
Violent computer games are hugely popular with children but many parents would like to see them banned. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay discussing the pros and cons of banning video games.
1    What do you have to write?
2    Who are you writing for?
3    What style should you use?
4     How many paragraphs should you write?
 ответили на вопросы?


1) An essay;
2)Your teacher;
3) Formal;
4) Four.

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