Интересные вопросы

Завершите предложения 3B № 4 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Complete the sentences with the phrases: have no right; have the right to; have the responsibility to; do their bit; take responsibility for; stand up for your rights. Compare with your partner, then use each phrase in an example of your own.
1    You shouldn’t let your employer make you
work so many hours. You should......... !
2    You....... to speak to me like that!
3    As the captain of the basketball team, I feel I ...... go to all the practices.
4    We all........ freedom of speech.
5    Who’s going to .........  organising the picnic
next week?
6    I think everyone should........ for the


Practising vocabulary
•      Explain the task. Ss answer individually. Remind
Ss to try each answer provided and select the
best option to complete the sentences.
•      Ss compare answers with a partner.
•      Allow Ss time to write their own sentences.
Answer Key
1     stand up for your rights
2      have no right
3      have the responsibility to
4       have the right to
5       take responsibility for
6      do their bit
Suggested Answer Key
1     Standing up for your rights is a responsibility
in itself.
2      I had no right to talk to my mother like that.
3       The police have the responsibility to stop
crime and make the streets safe.
4       You have the right to remain silent.
5      I had to take the responsibility for the
accident because it was all my fault.
6     In our house, everybody does their bit to
keep it clean.

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