Интересные вопросы

Заполните пробелы 4D № 4 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences (1-7) with the different ways of moving, then mime their meanings. How did Tom and Becky move through the cave?
Wavs to move
fumble/f^mbeІ/ (v) feeling your way
when you can’t see
crawl /кго;І/ (v) move on hands and
creep /krip/ (v) move quietly and slowly
dawdle /dͻ:dl/ (v) walk very slowly sprint /sprint/ (v) run extremely fast wander /wpndƏ/ (v) walk without a particular destination stomp /stpmp/ (v) walk with heavy steps to show anger
1     With a final burst of energy, Mike ............ towards the finish line.
2     Tom turned around and ........................
angrily out of the room.
3     Sue’s baby is................. already. She’ll
be walking soon!
4      Don’t................. Jane! We’ll be late!
5      I................ out of the room so that I
didn’t wake Sam up.
6     After the lights went out, I had to ............. my way across the room.
7      I love................ around flea markets.
You never know what you will find!


Completing sentences using the correct verb
•      Ss books closed, write the word ‘move' in the
middle of the board and brainstorm verbs to
describe movement with the Ss.
•      Ss' books open, Ss read the list of verbs in Ex. 4
and compare.
•      Explain the task. Ss answer individually.
•      Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1     sprinted              4     dawdle          7 wandering
2      stomped              5    crept
3      crawling             6    fumble
Tom and Becky ‘groped’.

ваш ответ
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