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Заполните 2A № 7 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 7 класс Ваулина Ю. Е.

Complete the gaps with the past simple form of the verb in brackets.
1       H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds
................  (cause) panic when
people first..................... (hear) it
on the radio, in 1938.
2        Daniel Defoe................. (use) the
real adventures of sailor A. Selkirk to write Robinson Crusoe.
3       William Shakespeare often       (act) in his own plays.
4       The English poet, Byron
................  (fight) in the Greek
war of independence in 1821.
5       Herman Melville ............................
(travel) to many places before he...................... (write) Moby Dick.
6       Mary Shelley................... (create)
the monster in Frankenstein
after she .......................  (speak)
with Lord Byron.


Заполните пропуски, используя правильную форму past simple.

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Hi Steve,
Thanks (Подробнее...)

ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык7 классВаулина Ю.Е.
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ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык7 классВаулина Ю.Е.
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ГДЗSpotlightАнглийский язык7 классВаулина Ю.Е.