Интересные вопросы

Запишите 4B № 8 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Portfolio: In pairs, take roles and act
out James’s appointment with the doctor. Use
the notes in the form in Ex. 7 and the dialogue
in Ex. 5 as a model. Record yourselves.


Acting out a visit to a doctor
•      Ss work in pairs, take roles and prepare their
dialogues using the notes in Ex. 7 and the
dialogue in Ex. 5.
•      Ss record themselves.
•     Select a few recordings to play to the class
Answer Key
S1: Good morning, Mr. Jones. What can I do
for you?
S2: Well, Doctor, for the past few days I have
been feeling very dizzy and I can’t seem
to hear very well.
S1: I see. Have you got a temperature?
S2: Yes and my ears are blocked.
S1: It sounds like you may have an ear
infection. I will take a look.
S2: Is there anything you can do to make it go
away faster?
S1: You can take two aspirins every two hours
for the pain. If it is an ear infection you
will need to take antibiotics and within a
few days you will feel much better.
S2: Do I need to come back and see you again?
S1: Not unless you are not feeling better in
three to four days. etc

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