Интересные вопросы

Закончите 4B № 5 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

a) Read the questions (a-g). Who would ask
each of them, a doctor or a patient?
a Do I need to come back and see you again?
b Have you had chickenpox, Miss Andrews?
c How long has it been bothering you?
d What can I do for you?
e Have you got a temperature?
f Is there anything you can give me to make it
go away faster?
g Is that what I’ve got?
Complete the gaps (1-6) in the dialogue
with the questions (a-g). There is one
question you do not need to use. Listen and check.


a)  Identifying the speaker
•      Read out the rubric and allow Ss time to
complete task individually.
•      Ss compare answers with a partner.
Answer Key
doctor: b, c, d, e patient: a, f, g
b)  Reading to understand text
structure, cohesion and coherence
•      Explain that questions a-g from Ex. 5a come
from the dialogue.
•      Allow Ss time to complete the gaps in the
dialogue individually.
•      Ss listen to the recording and check their
Answer Key
1 d 2 e 3 b 4 g 5 f 6 a

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