Интересные вопросы

Закончи Раздел 5B № 1 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 4 класс Быкова Н. И.

Read and complete.
1   ... oranges are there in the bag?
2    ... butter is there in the fridge?
3    ... bread is there on the table?
4    ... eggs are there in the box?
5    ... potatoes are there in the cupboard?


 Прочитай и закончи.
1.How many oranges are there in the bag?
2.       How much butter is there in the fridge?
3.       How much bread is there on the table?
4.       How many eggs are there in the box?
5.       How many potatoes are there in the cupboard?

ваш ответ
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