Задание 9,Writing Skills, 7e .Spotlight, 11 класс, Английский язык,О.В. Афанасьева,ГДЗ
Знаете ответ ?
Choose one of the rubrics and write your answer. Swap
papers and check your partner’s writing against the
checklist below.
• Does the letter/email have a correct greeting/ending?
• Is it written in an appropriate style?
• Does the letter/email cover all the points asked for in the
• Is the beginning/ending appropriate?
• Do the main body paragraphs have an appropriate topic
sentence and supporting details?
Are there any mistakes i.e. grammar, punctuation, spelling
Ответ такой:
Dear Mr. Banville,
I would like to thank you for answering my
previous email so promptly. I am writing
this email to give you the information you
requested about your upcoming talk at our
First of all, I would like to thank you for
taking time out of your busy schedule. This
is a superb opportunity for the students to
meet a truly international sports star.
Regarding the date of your visit, the
evening of 12th June is more convenient
for the students as there is an important
match for the school team on the 11th.
The talk is for students that will soon finish
their studies and either go to university or
start a career. The age range of the students
is 16-18 years old. Our school has a football
team, a hockey team and a basketball team
so if your talk could include something about
these sports, we would be extremely pleased.
Apart from your sporting experiences, it
would be helpful if you could mention how
you got started as an athlete, your training
schedule and what motivates you to be the
best in your particular sport.
I would like to repeat how grateful we are
that you are coming to our school. If you
require further information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Max Morden
Dear Mr Evans,
I am writing to complain about the Dawson
Drama School. I recently attended a six-
week summer acting course there and was
very disappointed with the service offered.
To begin with, your advertisement states
that the course is taught by full-trained
professionals. This is not true as the
standard of teaching was unsatisfactory
due to the lack of experience of the
professionals involved. To make matters
worse, a large number of lessons were
cancelled without any reasons being given.
The so-called ‘relaxed and pleasant
environment’ mentioned in the
advertisement turned out to be several
badly-maintained studios that, even in the
middle of a hot summer, were incredibly
cold and permanently draughty. Similarly,
the ‘comfortable accommodation’ was, in
fact, unheated, cramped and had not been
cleaned for a considerable length of time.
Due to the fact that the service did not live
up to the claims of the advertisement, I
believe I am entitled to a refund of some of
the £1,500 I paid. I look forward to your
prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
Alexander Cleave
Запомни фразу “I see”, которая означает «Я вижу». Скажи, кого ты видишь на картинке.
Образец: I see Mr Ed Ross.
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