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Задание 9.Literature.Writing Skills.6e .Spotlight, 11 класс, Английский язык,О.В. Афанасьева,ГДЗ

помогите выполнить пожалуйста:
Match the quotations (a-c) to the essay topics
(1-3). Choose one and write a suitable ending
for the essay. Include the quotation together
with your opinion/balanced summary.
a As someone once said, “99.99% of what
happens is not on the news.”
b As Charles Lamb said in 1833, “Newspapers
always excite curiosity. No one ever lays one
down without a feeling of disappointment.”
c As a Czech proverb says, “Learn a new
language and get a new soul.”
1     Everyone in the world should speak the same
2     The pros and cons of watching the news on
3     Now that we have the Internet, we should
stop printing newspapers.


Вот ответы:
Answer Key
A 2 B 3 C 1
Suggested Answer Key
To conclude, there are advantages and
disadvantages to watching the news on TV. It
probably comes down to a matter of personal
preference. However, we should not forget
that, as someone once said, “99.99% of what
happens is not on the news.”

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