Задание 7 Study Skills. Understanding rubrics. Spotlight. Английский язык. 10 класс. О.В. Афанасьева ГДЗ
Помогите найти ключевые слова и ответить на вопосы из задания.
Find the key words in each of the rubrics, then say: who is going to read the letter/email; what type of letter/email it is; why you are
writing it; how many main body paragraphs each letter/email should have and what topics they should include.
A You are about to visit a school exchange partner in another country and you are not sure what clothes to take with you or how to get to their house. Send an email to your friend asking for information (100-140 words).
two main body paragraphs
Para 2: ask what clothes to take with you
Para 3: ask how to get to friend’s house
B Read the extract from your English pen-friend’s email. Her name is Ann. Write an email to her.
In your email:
• tell her about your birthday party
• ask three questions about her trip to New York (100-140 words).
C Read the extract from your English penfriend George's email.
Write an email to George. In your email:
• tell him about your best friend
• ask three questions about his plans for the holidays (100-140 words).
D Read the extract from your English penfriend Michelle's letter. Write a letter to Michelle and give her some advice on how to overcome her problem (100-140 words).
А 1. ключевые слова: visit school exchange partner, another country, what clothes to take, how to get to their house, email, friend, asking for information
2. My friend is going to read it.
3. It is informal.
4. I am writing to ask for information about clothes and for directions to their house.
И вот еще:
В 1. ключевые слова: English pen-friend’s email, name Ann, write an email, birthday party, three questions about trip to New York
2. My pen-friend is going to read it.
3. It is informal.
4. I am writing to tell her about my birthday party and ask about her trip to New York.
5. two main body paragraphs Параграф 2: tell about party
Параграф 3: ask about trip to New York
С 1. ключевые слова: English pen-friend George’s email, write an email, tell him about my best friend, three questions about plans for holidays
2. My pen-friend is going to read it.
3. It is informal.
4.1 am writing to tell him about my friend and ask about his holiday plans.
5. two main body paragraphs Параграф 2: tell about my best friend Параграф 3: ask about holiday plans
D 1. ключевые слова: English pen-friend Michelle’s let ter, Michelle, write a letter, give advice, how to overcome her problem
2. My pen-friend is going to read it.
3. It is informal.
4.1 am writing to give her advice.
5. two main body paragraphs. Параграф 2: give her advice
Параграф 3: tell her about different ways to solve her problem
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Привет, как составить предложения по схеме и со словами из задания?
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