Интересные вопросы

Задание 7.Literature.Writing Skills.6e .Spotlight, 11 класс, Английский язык,О.В. Афанасьева,ГДЗ

Use the phrases in brackets to make the
sentences (1-4) more impersonal.
1     I really think that students can develop useful
skills by learning an ancient language like
Latin. (Studies have shown that)
2     In my opinion, famous people have every right
to live their private lives without the intrusion
of the media. (Many are of the opinion that)
3     I strongly believe that tabloid newspapers are
more interesting to read than broadsheets. (It
can be argued that)
4     In my view, English is not the only foreign
language worth learning. (Some believe that)


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Answer Key
1      Studies have shown that students can
develop useful skills by learning an ancient
language like Latin.
2      Many are of the opinion that famous people
have every right to live their private lives
without the intrusion of the media.
3      It can be argued that tabloid newspapers are
more interesting to read than broadsheets.
4       Some believe that English is not the only
foreign language worth learning.

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