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Задание 6b. Writing. What is your opinion 5c. Английский язык. 7 класс. Ю.Е. Ваулина ГДЗ

Поделитесь вашим эссе про пользу и вред компьютеров.
Use your own ideas to write the essay. 


There aren’t many people  who  don’t know how to use computers these days.
Look in almost any home, classroom or office and you’ll probably spot a computer.
It  is true that computers can save a lot of space and time.
Firstly, computers help save a lot of paper and that’s good for  the  environ-ment.
Secondly, computers save space in your house because they can do the job of encyclopedias and other books.
Lastly computers help us learn and  allow us to stay in  contract  with  people  via e-mail.
On the other hand, the use of computers can lead to problems.
To begin with,  computers  can  be  bad  for your eyes, especially as some children may spend too much time paying computer games. 
Moreover, computers don’t help  children communicate with others.
Instead, children spend their time indoors sitting in front of a  computer screen.
To sum up, computers have their good points and their bad points.

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