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Задание 5. 3b Listening&Speaking Skills. Spotlight. Английский язык. 10 класс. О.В. Афанасьева ГДЗ

Народ, какие отношения между говорящими? О чем диалог?
Read the first and the last two exchanges in the dialogue. What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the dialogue
about? Listen and check.
Mr Smith: Good morning. Please have a seat.
Ann: Good morning. Thank you.
Mr Smith: So, Ann. What are you doing at the moment?
Ann: I’m studying Business at college, but my course finishes next month.
Mr Smith: I see. Do you have any experience as a secretary?
Ann: Yes. I’ve worked for a number of different companies during my college holidays, including Barnes & Bedford, the lawyers, last summer.
Mr Smith: That’s interesting. Do you know that in this job you will have to travel a lot?
Ann: Yes, and that’s not a problem at all. I enjoy travelling and I don’t mind working long hours or weekends.
Mr Smith: Excellent! Well, I think that’s all I need to know.
Ann: Do you mean I’ve got the job?
Mr Smith: Yes. Welcome to Brown’s.
Ann: Thank you! When can I start?
Mr Smith: As soon as you can, after your exams.


Speakers are the employee and the employer. The dia­ logue is about employment.

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