Я могу:
Verse 1
ignore doubt: trust yourself
be patient: wait and not be tired by waiting
be honest: don’t deal in lies
be courageous: can keep your head, when all
about you are losing theirs
be modest: don’t look too good, nor talk too wise
Verse 2
be imaginative: dream - and not make dreams
your master
be thoughtful: think - and not make thoughts
your aim
be understanding: can meet with triumph and
disaster and threat those two imposters just
the same
accept that people lie: bear to hear the truth
you’ve spoken twisted
Verse 3
take risks: risk it on one turn of...
be positive: And lose, and start again at your
be uncomplaining: never breath a word of your
be determined: hold on when there is nothing
in you/Except the will which says to them: ‘Hold
Verse 4
be polite: talk with crowds and keep your virtue
be modest: nor lose the common touch
be tolerant: neither foes nor loving friends
can hurt you
be respectful: all men count with you
be productive: with sixty seconds’ worth of
distance run