Вот так надо:
a yes/no question: The reported question is
introduced with the verbs ask, enquire,
wonder, etc. When the direct question begins
with an auxiliary (be, do, have) or a modal
(can, may, etc) the reported question is
introduced with if or whether. The verb tenses,
pronouns and time expressions all change as in
statements and the question mark is omitted.
a wh- question: When the direct question begins
with a question word (who, where, how, when,
what, etc) the reported question is introduced
with the same question word. The verb tenses,
pronouns and time expressions all change as in
statements and the question mark is omitted.
the imperative: To report the imperative in
reported speech, we use the introductory
verbs order or tell + sb + (not) to-infinitive.
The verb tenses, pronouns and time
expressions all change as in statements.