Интересные вопросы

Задание 3.Reading Skills, 5а,Spotlight, 11 класс, Английский язык,О.В. Афанасьева,ГДЗ

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Нужно ответить на вопросы:
Read the text and choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D) to answer the questions.
Explain the words in bold.
1     Jasmine left home because
A it was bad.
В her parents died.
C she wanted to be independent.
D she wanted to live with her friends.
2       She moved to London because she thought
A her friends didn’t want her any more.
В she would make new friends there.
C she would get a job there.
D life would be easier there.
Every single night of the year, around 1,200 people sleep
rough on hard benches and in grubby doorways on the
streets of various English cities. Jasmine, twenty-two, is
one of them. At first, huddled in a door entrance asking
passers-by for money, she is reluctant to open up, but
then she begins to talk. This is her story...
Fill in: industrial, capital, cosmopolitan,
overcrowded, historic, market, boom, shanty,
3      She spent the first few nights
A on the street.
В in a B&B.
C on a park bench.
D at a fixed address.
4       The buildings she occasionally stays in
A have plenty of room for the homeless.
В are not used any more.
C can be colder than the streets.
D are used by others during the day.
5       Jasmine thinks the worst thing about being
homeless is
A having nothing to do.
В the noise from the traffic.
C asking for money from strangers.
D the cold weather.
6       More than anything, Jasmine wants
A a job.
В her own home.
C her self-confidence back.
D to be taken seriously.


Вот ответы:
Answer Key
1C 2 D 3 B 4 B 5 D 6 B
Suggested Answer Key
foster: official care by the government
couches: along seat for two or three people
shivering with cold: to be so cold that it
causes the person to shake
odd night: occasional night
cramped: having not enough space for the
drug addicts: people who are dependant on an
illegal drug
filthy: very dirty
choke: to lose the ability to breathe
make ends meet: to just cover all your essential
living expenses
toss: throw
posh: expensive
dignity: a person’s sense of importance and
vicious circle: a problem or difficult situation
that creates new problems which cause the
original problem again
self-esteem: how you feel about yourself

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