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Задание 3. 4a Reading Skills. Spotlight. Английский язык. 10 класс. О.В. Афанасьева ГДЗ

Hi, хелп ми составить предложения правильно.
Complete the sentences with words in bold from the text.
1      There wasn’t enough water left for her to............ the shampoo out of her hair.
2      Our teachers ...................  us to use recycled paper.
3      Traffic jams ..................  both air and noise pollution.
4      He ...................  her birthday present in recycled paper.
5      I feel very tired; I don’t think I have the ............. to play football this evening.
6      People in our neighbourhood have started a paper recycling....................
7      My brother likes to.................. comics with his friends.
8      When substances .........................  they break down into different chemicals.
9      She was a wonderful teacher. It will be difficult to.................. her.
10     They opened the cage and .............................  the animals.


Кидаю ответ
1 rinse
2   encourage
3  create
4  wrapped
5  energy
6  campaign
7  swap
8  decompose
9  replace
10 released

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SpotlightГДЗВерещагина И.Н.Афанасьева О. В.Английский язык9 класс