Интересные вопросы

Вставьте № 95 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Choose one of the texts about different opportunities to get entertainment.
Read it and put the missing sentences in the appropriate places.
a)      The Auto Show
It took me seconds to get dressed and at
breakfast we discussed our plans.
There were some old-fashioned cars which
dated back to 1920s - 1930s and a long row
of Hondas. Fords. Toyotas. BMWs.
Chryslers, Lexus. Dodges, and Mercedes.
Saturday morning was not encouraging at all.
It looked like rain and I didn't feel like getting
out of bed.
Everything changed when my Dad came
into the room and handed me a ticket —
a ticket to an auto show. Even Mum seemed
to be excited about the show and kept talking
about it over her tea.
The sky was clearing up by the time we
took our seats at the stand and. to our delight,
the weather got better. The show was great!
These very brave péople called stuntmen were
driving different cars and motorcycles. They
did “wheelies” — a trick when they drive a
motorcycle on one wheel. They drove a car
through fire on two wheels and then their cars
jumped over another car. I knew that some
of the stuntmen had taken part in shooting
(съемки) action films. They did such dangerous
and risky tricks. We were cheering them on and
Mum was wondering how they managed to
keep the cars in one piece after performing all
of those tricks.
When the show was over, we went to a
special place where lots of cars were on exhibit.
Mum liked a black Rolls Royce because it
looked expensive and romantic as if from an
old film, but Dad's and my choice was an open
top Hummer H2.
We spent the rest of the day watching the
cars and admiring them. I don't know if I'll ever
go to an auto show again but it was my idea of
a real day out.
b)      The Rock Concert
I    had put on the appropriate clothing for
the occasion: tight black jeans and a
black and silver jumper.
Unfortunately; I will not be able to dance
like them.
We had been planning on going to the rock
concert for several weeks, but it wasn't easy to
get the tickets. That's why, when my boyfriend
Jason managed to buy them. I was delighted.
The night of the concert came, and Jason
dropped by to pick me up. It matched all right
and I looked great in it. At least Jason thought
so. We promised our parents to behave and to
be home on time.
We went to see the famous group, the
Rolling Logs. They were gorgeous! The electric
guitars sounded all right and I liked the
drummer a lot. The special effects were beyond
all expectations. To tell the truth. I prefer this
style of music to others. It's very energetic. It
makes you dance and jump and cry. It may be
too loud sometimes, and everybody around
you looks a little bit crazy; but what's wrong
with that? It's only for two hours and it gives
you energy for many days afterwards.
hope that when I'm an old lady. I will
still be able to understand and even share my
grandchildren's taste in music. That's why I'm
enjoying myself now!


 Выберите один из текстов о различных возможностях развлечься. Прочитайте и вставьте пропущенные предложения в нужные места.
a) Everything changed when my Dad came into the room and handed me a ticket — a ticket to an auto show. It took me seconds to get dressed and
at breakfast we discussed our plans. Even Mum seemed to be excited about the show and kept talking about it over her tea.
When the show was over, we went to a special place where lots of cars were on exhibit. There were some old-fashioned cars which dated back to 1920s-1930s and a long row of Hondas, Fords, Toyotas, BMWs, Chryslers, Lexus, Dodges, and Mercedes. Mum liked a black Rolls Royce because it looked expensive and romantic as if from an old film, but Dad’s and my choice was an open-top Hummer H2.
b) The night of the concert came, and Jason dropped by to pick me up. I had put on the appropriate clothing for the occasion — tight black jeans and a black and silver jumper. It matched all right and I looked great in it.
I hope that when I’m an old lady, I will still be able in understand and even share my grandchildren’s taste in music. Unfortunately, I will not be able to dance like them. That’s why I’m enjoying myself now!

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Найди № 26 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

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and phrases that mean the following:
•    I didn’t want to make you suffer. (Подробнее...)

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Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions to find out what his / her best
mate is like.

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