Интересные вопросы

Unit 3. № 97. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите задать вопросы и ответить

Make questions as in the example. Ask your partner to answer them.
Example: Perhaps one day you will win the world tennis championship.— What would you do if you won the world tennis championship?
1.     Perhaps one day your parents will send you to Harrow.
2.      Perhaps one day you will be invited to Buckingham Palace.
3.      Perhaps one day you will break a mirror.
4.      Perhaps one day you will be expelled from your school.
5.      Perhaps one day you will meet Bruce Lee in your school.
6.      Perhaps one day you will fly to the Moon.


Составьте вопросы как в примере. Попросите, чтобы ваш партнер ответил на них.
Пример: Perhaps one day you will win the world tennis championship. — What would you do if you won the world tennis championship?
1.      Perhaps one day your parents will send you to Harrow. — What would you do if your parents sent you to Harrow?
2.    Perhaps one day you will be invited to Buckingham Palace. — What would you do if you were invited to Buckingham Palace?
3.    Perhaps one day you will break a mirror. — What would you do if you broke the mirror?
4.    Perhaps one day you will be expelled from your school. — What would you do if you were expelled from your school?
5.    Perhaps one day you will meet Bruce Lee in your school. — What would you do if you met Bruce Lee in your school?
6.    Perhaps one day you will fly to the Moon. — What would you do if flew to the Moon?
1.    If my parents sent me to Harrow I would see this beautiful place.
2.    If I were invited to Buckingham Palace I would enjoy its greatness.
3.    If I broke the mirror I would try not to think about any superstitions.
4.    If I were expelled from my school I would find another one.
5.    If I met Bruce Lee in my school I would ask him for autograph.
6.   If I flew to the Moon I would see the Earth form the Moon.

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ГДЗАнглийский язык8 классБиболетова М. З.