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Unit 3. № 91. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Какое наказание вы получите?

Discuss with your partner and tell us what punishment you get if you
—    miss a lesson
—    talk with your classmate during the lesson
—    are late for a lesson
—     prompt (подсказывать) your classmates when they answer
—    are impolite to your teacher
—    do not do your homework
—    do not wear your uniform
—     get bad marks


Обсудите со своим партнером и расскажите, какое наказание вы получите, если:
—     пропустили урок
—    разговаривали с одноклассником во время урока
—     опоздали на занятия
—    подсказывали одноклассникам, когда они отвечали
—     были невежливы с учителем
—     не сделали домашнюю работу
—     не одели форму
—     получили плохие оценки
If I miss a lesson I would get a report.
If I talk with my classmate during the lesson the teacher can reprove us.
If I am late for a lesson I think I will not get any punishment. But sometimes teachers don’t allow attend their lesson if a student is late.
If I prompt my classmates when they answer teacher can put me a bad mark.
If I am impolite to my teacher I can get a report and visit to the head master.
If I don’t do my homework a teacher can put me a bad mark.
If I don’t wear my uniform I will visit the head master.
If I get only bad marks I can be excluded from the school.

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ГДЗАнглийский язык8 классБиболетова М. З.