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Unit 3. № 84. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 10 класс Биболетова. Как тут перевести?

Read and remember.
It is really only a matter of learning which verbs take the to infinitive and which take a V-ing form.
•      For example, the verbs hope, expect, and learn normally take the to infinitive.
I learnt to swim in the Black Sea last summer.
I expect to get high marks in English this term.
I hope to hand in my project paper on time.
•      After some verbs (e.g. tell, advise, ask), to infinitive follows the object.
We asked a stranger to show us the way.
He advised me to drive more slowly through the town.
The new teacher told us to be quiet.
•      Other verbs, such as enjoy, finish, admit, mind, feel like, can’t help, look forward to, and prevent take the V-ing form.
I can’t help feeling that it's going to rain before we get back.
I feel like stopping work now and coming back to it later.
Do you mind not talking in here? Speaking is not allowed in the library.
He admitted having copied the task from his neighbour.
I always enjoy listening to music when I'm feeling stressed.
She finished cleaning the floor and then she vacuumed the room.
I look forward to hearing from you.
The doctor prevented him from getting
seriously ill.
• Some verbs, such as begin, start, like, love, hate, continue, and cease can take either the to infinitive or a V-ing form and there is usually little or no difference in meaning between them.
I like to read in bed.
1 like reading in bed.
I continued to study till mum came in and then we had supper.
I continued studying till mum came in and then we had supper.


Прочитайте и запомните.
Это действительно только причина изучения, какие глаголы берут to
infinitive, а какие берут V-ing форму.
•   Например, глаголы hope (надеяться), expect (ожидать) и learn (изучать)
нормально берут to infinitive.

•   После некоторых глаголов (tell (говорить), advise (советовать), ask (спра-
шивать)) to infinitive следует за объектом.
•   Другие глаголы такие как enjoy (наслаждаться), finish (заканчивать), admit
(допускать), mind (помнить), feel like (чувствовать как), can't help (не может
избавиться от (ощущения)), look forward to (ждать), prevent (предотвращать)
идут с V-ing формой.
•   Некоторые глаголы, такие, как begin (начинать), start (начинать), like (нра-
виться), love (любить), hate (ненавидеть), continue (продолжать) и cease (пре-
кращать), могут быть либо в to infinitive, либо V-ing форме, и обычно разница
маленькая или ее совсем нет в значении между ними.
Иногда значение меняется, когда вы используете одну форму или другую:

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