Интересные вопросы

Unit 3. № 33. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 10 класс Биболетова. Помогите заполнить пропуски

Fill in the gaps paraphrasing the words in brackets. Use the qualifying adverbs from Ex. 32.
1     “Your room has become ... (not so untidy)" Mother said.
2     “Your report is ... (not long enough) than I had expected," the teacher said.
3     My brother is ... (of greater height) than I.
4     The area where these ancient people lived was ... (huge) than the scientists had thought earlier.
5     The weather is becoming ... (not so freezing) this week.


Заполните пропуски в предложениях переделанными словами в
скобках. Используйте качественные прилагательные из упр. 32.

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ГДЗАнглийский язык8 классБиболетова М. З.