Интересные вопросы

Unit 3. № 123. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Поддерживаете ли вы идею Джефа?

Say, if you support Jeff s idea or not. Explain why. Use some expressions from the text.
Example: I support Jeffs idea because...
...we do nothing personally to recognize the role of our friends.
...friendship is for always.
...it’s easy to send e-mail message once a year to thank your friend.


Скажите, поддерживаете ли вы идею Джефа или нет. Объясните почему. Используйте некоторые выражения из текста.
I support Jeff’s idea because we do nothing to recognize the role of our friends in our lives. Friends and friendship are very important for people and are for always. I think, it’s easy to send an e-mail message once a year to thank your friend for all that he / she does for you every moment. There must be a day we’ll think about and remember all our friends.

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ГДЗАнглийский язык8 классБиболетова М. З.