Интересные вопросы

Unit 2. Progress Check № 4. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите вставить нужную форму слов

The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.
Example: IMPRESS
Her dance made a great ... on my friends.— Her dance made a great impression on my friends.
The girl was awarded a prize for her English ... of the poem.
2.      DISCUSS
The ... has already begun.
3.      DEVELOP
Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic ....
4.      WIN
At the award ceremony the ... collected a gold medal for his excellent Russian.
5.      PERFORM
Her last... in the theatre was successful.
6.      TOUR
The National Park is visited by thousands of ... every summer.
7.       MEET
We’ll discuss this important question at the ... tomorrow.


Слово, написанное заглавными буквами, над каждым предложением может использоваться, чтобы подобрать слово, которое грамматически подходит предложению. Заполните каждый пробел этим способом.
The girl was awarded a prize for her English translation of the poem.
2.      DISCUSS
The discussion has already begun.
3.      DEVELOP
Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic development.
4.      WIN
At the award ceremony the winner collected a gold medal for his excellent Russian.
5.      PERFORM
Her last performance in the theatre was successful.
6.      TOUR
The National Park is visited by thousands of tourists every summer
7.      MEET
We’ll discuss this important question at the meeting tomorrow

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похожие темы
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1.     Who wanted to speak to Jim? (Подробнее...)

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ГДЗ6 классАнглийский языкБиболетова М. З.
Алексей Дедушев
Алексей Дедушев
Найдите ОЭРУ 5 Вариант 2 № 10 ГДЗ Алгебра 9 класс Шестаков С.А.


ГДЗАлгебра9 классШестаков С.А.