Интересные вопросы

Unit 2. Progress Check № 1. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите дополнить предложения словосочетаниями.

Complete each sentence with one of the word combinations below.
official languages, by boat, is situated, be successful, success, round Europe, was awarded, collected his thoughts, the rush hours, the only, foreign languages, collect.
1.   He can speak three English, German and Spanish.
2.      India ... in Asia.
3.      If you work hard, you’ll ... in your career.
4.      There are 15.......... in India and thousands of different dialects.
5.   English is ... solution to this communication problem.
6.   The famous scientist ... a Nobel Prize in 1930.
7.      He ... and began his report.
8.   Last summer their family travelled ... by bus.
9.   Try to get to the office before ... or you’ll be late for the meeting.
10.      The winners will travel ... from Australia to New Zealand.
11.      Will you ... the books from Ann, please?


Продолжите каждое предложение одним из словосочетаний ниже. Используйте каждое словосочетание только один раз.
1.    Не can speak three foreign languages: English, German and Spanish.
2.     India is situated in Asia.
3.    If you work hard, you’ll have success in your career.
4.   There are 15 official languages in India and thousands of different dialects.
5.    English is the only solution to this communication problem.
6.    The famous scientist was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1930.
7.    He collected his thoughts and began his report.
8.    Last summer their family travelled round Europe by bus.
9.    Try to get to the office before the rush hours or you’ll be late for the meeting.
10.    The winners will travel by boat from Australia to New Zealand.
11.     Will you collect the books from Ann, please?

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Unit 1. № 78. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите ответить на вопросы по телефонным разговорам.

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1.     Who wanted to speak to Jim? (Подробнее...)

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ГДЗ6 классАнглийский языкБиболетова М. З.
Алексей Дедушев
Алексей Дедушев
Найдите ОЭРУ 5 Вариант 2 № 10 ГДЗ Алгебра 9 класс Шестаков С.А.


ГДЗАлгебра9 классШестаков С.А.