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Unit 2. Homework № 35. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите закончить истории

Look back at the texts about the forms of transport popular in Britain and the USA. Complete these brief stories.
a)     A lot of people in Britain travel by trains every day, because they .... These people are called .... Sometimes it takes them two hours to ... and two hours to ... . On the way to and from work commuters can ....
b)     Americans prefer travelling by ... . Teenagers work long hours after school to ... . Millions of Americans use ... service because they can do a lot of things without ... of their car. Sitting in their cars people can .... It’s ... a real American life without cars.


Прочитайте еще раз текст о видах транспорта, популярных в Великобритании и США. Дополните эти краткие рассказы.
a)       A lot of people in Britain travel by trains every day, because they live far from their work. These people are called commuters. Sometimes it takes them two hours to get to the town center and two hours to get back home. On the way to and from work commuters can sleep, read a newspaper or a book, use their computers.
b)      Americans prefer travelling by cars. Teenagers work long hours after school to earn money for their «wheels». Millions of Americans use «drive- in» service because they can do a lot of things without getting out of their car. Sitting in their cars people can get their money, buy sandwich and coffee, watch movies. It’s hard to imagine a real American life without cars.

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ГДЗ6 классАнглийский языкБиболетова М. З.
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Алексей Дедушев
Найдите ОЭРУ 5 Вариант 2 № 10 ГДЗ Алгебра 9 класс Шестаков С.А.


ГДЗАлгебра9 классШестаков С.А.