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Unit 2. Homework № 33. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите написать сочинение

Write a short essay about the vital and crucial problems of the 21st century. Use the information in ex. 78 on page 53 and the following guidelines.
a)      name some crucial problems
b)      say why they are vital
c)       offer some solutions


Напишите сочинение о жизненно выжных проблемах XXI века. Используйте информацию из упр. 78 на стр. 53 и следующий план.
a)      назовите некоторые проблемы;
b)      скажите, почему они важны;
c)      предложите варианты решения.
There are a lot of crucial problems in the world such as: dangerous diseases (like AIDS, cancer), pollution, dangerous technologies, new local wars, endangered animals, everyday problems, too much information, computer control all over the world, star wars, etc.
There are a lot of crucial and vital problems to solve in XXI century. And teenagers are going to solve such problems as dangerous diseases, pollution, new local wars, dangerous technologies, etc. Because it influence on their lives.
These are global problems and people all over the world should unite and cooperate to achieve definite results. And even children should lake part in solving these problems because they are going to live in XXI century.

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