Интересные вопросы

Unit 2. № 85. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите составить диалог

Imagine that you have met a student of your age on a plane / bus / train. Use these sentences to have a conversation:
Where are you from? / Where do you come from? What is your place famous for?
How do you get to your capital city from your place?
Do you like living there? Why?


Представьте, что вы встретили подростка вашего возраста в самолете / автобусе / поезде. Используйте следующие предложения для разговора.
—    Hi, my name is Jane. I am from Sydney and you? Where are you from?
—    Hello! My name is Ann. I am from Russia, from Moscow.
—    Russia! Great! What is your place famous for?
—    Moscow is the biggest city of Russia. It is the financial and business center of our country. There are a lot of sightseeing in Moscow, museums and different places of interest. Moscow is also famous for its Red Square. It is the largest square in Europe.
—    Cool! Do you like living there?
—    Yes, of course. I love my country.
—    Why?
—    It is so large. The nature is great. There are a lot of sightseeings and places to visit.

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Максим Лебедев
Unit 1. № 78. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите ответить на вопросы по телефонным разговорам.

Listen to two telephone conversations and answer the questions.
1.     Who wanted to speak to Jim? (Подробнее...)

ГДЗАнглийский язык7 классБиболетова М. З.
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34. Look at the picture and describe it... 6 класс Биболетова М. З. Английский Enjoy English Модуль 2 Раздел 2

Look at the picture and describe it:
1.           Who can you see in the picture? (Подробнее...)

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34. Read and say what you can do to help save endangered animals. 6 класс Английский Enjoy English Биболетова М. З. Модуль 2 Раздел 2

Read and say what you can do to help
save endangered animals. (Подробнее...)

ГДЗ6 классАнглийский языкБиболетова М. З.
Алексей Дедушев
Алексей Дедушев
Найдите ОЭРУ 5 Вариант 2 № 10 ГДЗ Алгебра 9 класс Шестаков С.А.


ГДЗАлгебра9 классШестаков С.А.