Интересные вопросы

Unit 2. № 24. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите заполнить who или which

Put in: who or which.
1.    Have you talked to the lady ... lives on the ground floor?
2.     Has Andrew bought the book ... he wanted?
3.     I like the blouse ... I am wearing.
4.     These are the flowers ... we have grown in our garden.
5.     It was a wonderful film. It is the best film... I’ve seen recently.
6.     What have you done with the money ... she gave us?
7.     The people ... have arranged the competition care about our future.


Вставьте who или which.
1.   Have you talked to the lady who lives on the ground floor?
2.    Has Andrew bought the book which he wanted?
3.    I like the blouse which I am wearing.
4.   These are the flowers which we have grown in our garden.
5.   It was a wonderful film. It is the best film which I’ve seen recently.
6.   What have you done with the money which she gave us?
7.   The people who have arranged the competition care about our future.

ваш ответ
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