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Unit 1. Progress Check № 1. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова. Помогите заполнить пробелы

Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space.
part, world, chance, luck, have, in, win, million, lucky, round, worth, prize, competition, miss
Hello, Mike!
I am in Australia. It's great. A lot of sunshine and fresh air, parrots and other fantastic birds, warm water and beaches. You are surprised to get my message, aren't you?
As you know last summer I tried my ... and took ... in the World Teenagers' Competition. It was a chance in a .... But it was ... trying to ... something for nothing. I was ... luck and won the ....
Now I and 49 other ... winners will travel ... the world. I enjoy visiting new places and finding new friends all over the .... I will send you postcards from the countries which we are going to visit.
But you also ... a chance to visit them. Take part in the same ... next year. Don't ... your chance.
Good ....
Best wishes, Pete.


Заполните пробелы в тексте следующими словами. Используйте только одно слово в каждом пробеле.
Hello, Mike!
I am in Australia. It’s great. A lot of sun shine and fresh air, parrots and other fantastic birds, warm water and beaches. You are surprised to get my message, aren’t you?
As you know last summer I tried my chance and took part in the World Teenagers’ Competition. It was a chance in a million. But it was worth trying to have something for nothing. I was in luck and won the luck.
Now I and 49 other prize winners will travel round the world. I enjoy visiting new places and finding new friends all over the world, I will send you postcards from the countries which we are going to visit.
But you also win a chance to visit them. Take part in the same competition next year. Don’t miss your chance. Good luck. Best wishes, Pete.

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