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Task 17. Lesson 33. Travelling and Transport. Английский язык. 4 класс. И.Н. Верещагина ГДЗ

Кто знает какие предложения иллюстрируют картинки?
Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures.


There was just an ugly old tree near to where she stood. Sarah understood that the tree was talking to her «Please, sir», said Sarah. «I’m looking for some magic mustard seeds». «Vinegar Witch may have some, but I’m not sure», - said the tree. «How can I find her?» asked Sarah. «Don’t you know how to read a map?» asked the tree. And he shook his leaves sadly. By the time she saw the Witch’s home it was already morning.
She saw a large room. In the middle of the room there was a fire burning. In front of the fire there were two armchairs, and in one of them an ugly old witch was sitting. Her friendly black cat Midnight was in the other.

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Task 14. Lesson 33. Travelling and Transport. Английский язык. 4 класс. И.Н. Верещагина ГДЗ

Хай ребята. Как составить диалог?
Make up your own dialogue and act it out with your partner. The table can help you.

ГДЗАнглийский языкВерещагина И.Н.4 класс
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Task 16. Lesson 33. Travelling and Transport. Английский язык. 4 класс. И.Н. Верещагина ГДЗ

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ГДЗАнглийский языкВерещагина И.Н.4 класс
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Ex. 8 in pairs. Circle the parts of the words which
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