1) Кто жил в стране Приправ? - Many spice people lived there. Queen Salt, Prince Pepper, Sarah Sweet, the doctor and many others did.
2) Какую приправу любил принц Перец? Почему его звали принц Перец? - Не liked magic mustard. I don’t know why his name was Pepper.
3) Что было любимой едой королевы? Почему, по вашему, ее звали королева Соль? - I think her favourite food was salt. Her name was Queen Salt because she had a lot of salt.
4) Почему так назывался этот дворец? - It got such a name because Prince Pepper lived there.
5) Что было любимой приправой ведьмы? Почему ее звали ведьма Уксус? - I think her favourite thing to eat was Vinegar. She was called Vinegar Witch because she had a lot of vinegar and she was as bad as the taste of vinegar is.