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Task 13. Lesson 36. Travelling and Transport. Английский язык. 4 класс. И.Н. Верещагина ГДЗ

Хай, есть короткое описание истории о Лори? Поделитесь со мной
Have you got a friend who doesn’t know the story? Tell him/her about Lorie.
Write 7-12 sentences about your last trip (journey, voyage)


Once upon a time in a hot country lived a bright and beautiful parrot called Lorie. He liked honey. There were hundreds of flowers which grew under the trees in the place he lived so when he felt hungry, he just flew down and took honey out of the flowers. All day long he flied about in the sun, listened to the songs of the birds. Lorie was happy.
One day a sailor came to the forest. He liked Lorie very much. He took many photos of the parrot and took him on board the ship, because he wanted to sell Lorie. The sailor taught the parrot to say «What have you got, what have you got, what have you got for me?» When Lorie said it the sailor gave him some seeds.
After a long journey, the sailor and the parrot arrived in England. The parrot was tired. An old lady who lived in a cottage at the seaside, bought Lorie. She called him Polly and gave him cookies, then he cried, «What have you got, what have you got, what have you got for me?»
One day the old lady and the parrot travelled to an old lady’s friend by bus. It wasn’t an easy trip, because they nearly missed the bus. They got there at the tea-time. When the lady and her friend went to the kitchen, the parrot sat down on the table and began to eat his favourite food. When they returned, they saw no honey on the plate. Now they knew who liked the honey. The parrot got his favourite honey when he cried, «What have you got, what have you got for me?»

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ГДЗАнглийский языкВерещагина И.Н.4 класс