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Составь Теперь я знаю Модуль 2 № 2 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 4 класс Быкова Н. И.

Make sentences, as in the example. (16 marks)
e.g. clown/circus/make people laugh
A clown works at a circus. He makes people laugh.
1    teacher/school/teach students
2    greengrocer/greengrocer’s/ sell fruit and vegetables
3    postman/post office/take letters to people’s houses
4     waiter/cafe/serve people


 Составь предложения, как в примере (16 баллов).
1.      A teacher works at school. He teaches students.
2.      A greengrocer works at greengrocer’s. He sells
fruit and vegetables.
3.      A postman works in the post office. He takes
letters to people’s houses.
4.     A waiter works in a cafe. He serves people.

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