Интересные вопросы

Сопоставьте метафоры 4E № 12 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Read the sentences and match the metaphors in bold with their meanings:
 went quickly & with a lot of noise
explain                               enobletemov,
came to my notice unhappy expression
1   I lost my grandmother’s ring and I was heartbroken.
2   Sally thundered angrily into the room.
3   “Why the long face?”, I asked.
4   Can you throw some light on the problem?
5   Suddenly, a letter on the table caught my eye.
6   I was frozen with fear


Matching metaphors and their
•      Explain to the class once again what a
metaphor is (an non-literal way of describing
something by comparing it to something else
which is the same in a particular way).
•      Draw Ss' attention to sentences 1-6 and the
meanings and explain the task.
•      Ss answer individually and then compare answers
with a partner.
•      As an extension activity, Ss can create their
own metaphors. Vote for the best one.
Answer Key
1      extremely upset
2      went quickly and with a lot of noise
3      unhappy expression
4       explain
5      came to my notice
6       unable to move

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