Интересные вопросы

Соотнесите Unit 3 №112 ГДЗ Английский 8 класс Биболетова М.З.

   Match the names of Russian and
English-speaking writers (authors) and the
kinds of books they wrote. Use the Internet to
find necessary information.
Example: Agatha Christie wrote detective stories
and plays.
Agatha Christie |,*go03 'knsti |, Mark Twain
[,ma:k 'twein]. Jack London l.cfexk 'lAndn),
Charles Dickens |,tju:lz 'dikinz|, Bernard Shaw
(,b3:nad 'Jo:|, Lewis Carroll |,lu:is ’kasral],
Robert Louis Stevenson |'robot Tu:i: 'sti:vans3n|,
William Shakespeare [.wiljsm '/eiksptp]. Chase
[tfeis], Arthur Conan Doyle l.kounon 'doil|,
Stephen King (,sti:vn 'kir)|
•     adventure stories                •    fairy tales
•     science fiction                     •    short stories
•     love stories                         •    essays
•     plays                                   •    horror stories
•     novels                                 •    poems
•     detective stories
Alexander Pushkin, Anna Akhmatova, Alexandra
Marinina, Anton Chekhov, Alexander Belyaev,
Boris Akoonin, Vassily Shukshin, Nikolay Gogol


     Соотнесите имена Русских и англо-говорящих писателей с жанрами книг, которые они написали. Используйте интернет, чтобы найти необходимую информацию.
Пример: Агата Кристи писала детективы и пьесы.
Mark Twain wrote adventure stories.
Jack London wrote adventure stories and novels.
Charles Dickens wrote novels and stories Bernard Show wrote plays.
Lewis Carroll wrote fairy tales.
Robert Luis Stevenson wrote adventure stories and novels.
William Shakespeare wrote poems and plays.
Chase wrote detective stories and novels.
A. Conan Doyle wrote detective stories.
Stephen King writes horrors.
Alexander Pushkin wrote poems, stories, plays and novels.
Anna Akhmatova wrote poems.
Alexandra Marinina writes detective stories.
Anton Chekhov wrote short stories and novels.
Alexander Belyaev wrote science fiction.
Arkay Vainer writes detective stories and novels.
Vassily Shukshin wrote short stories and novels.
Nikolay Gogol wrote novels, plays and fairy tales.

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