Read this text about a well-known Russian
reporter Artyom Borovik. Say what facts you’ve
learned about him and his job.

International journalist, Artyom Borovik, died
mysteriously in a plane crash at Moscow airport.
I ie was 39. He Began his career as a war corre-
spondent in Afghanistan, when Soviet forces were
lighting there in the 1980s. He became the Special
Correspondent and interpreter in Moscow for the
most popular weekly I V news show in the US.
“60 Minutes". I Ie briefly joined the US Army on an
exchange programme, doing research for a book.
He founded the Sovenheiwo Sekretno (Tup
Secret) publishing house, which produced a pop-
ular newspaper and TV programme, which inves-
tigated corruption. He was the first Russian to
win a top American Overseas Press Award, in
his office, late on the night before he died, he had
started work on a new investigation.