Reading. Spotlight on Exams. Module 1. Spotlight. Английский язык. 10 класс. О.В. Афанасьева ГДЗ
Ау! Как сопоставить текст с заголовками?
Match the texts (1-6) to the headings (A-G). There is one extra
heading that you do not need to use.
For those of you who like to stay ahead of the latest trends, expect
to see plenty of romantic blouses and dresses on the high street
this spring. High-heeled shoes and plenty of accessories, such as
gold chains, beads and leather bags will also be hot this season.
And if you like hats ... they are set to make a big comeback!
WitiIhimaera's Whale Rider is a rare story of love, rejection,
adventure and passion. Beautifully written and memorable, it is
about family relationships, traditions and culture, and a little girl
who rode a whale out to sea. Those interested in finding out about
the native people of New Zealand, the Maoris, will find it well
worth reading.
Do you enjoy clubbing, hanging out with friends, taking part in extreme sports or surfing the Net? Whatever you like, others want to know about it! Join our online pen-friends club today by just filling in the form below. We will send you your secret password and you’ll be set to be part of this
amazing chatroom!
LIBRA (23 Sept - 22 Oct) With Venus as your key planet, you have a great personality, patience and a good sense of humour. Your greatest gifts are your honesty and trustworthiness, as well as your ability to understand the problems of others. You are very dedicated to your job and will go far in your chosen career.
I am a sixteen-year-old student who has been brought up to respect other people, so why don’t people respect me too? OK, so I’m short and fat, but that's no reason for other kids to make fun of me behind my back! Please help me. I've had enough!
I’m sorry that I haven’t written back sooner. I’ve been studying for
exams. They're over now and I have time on my hands. Tell me,
what are you going to do for the holidays? Why don’t we meet up
and go shopping? The winter sales are starting soon and I need
some new jeans! There are some real cool ones at our local
shopping centre.
Вот ответ
1 В
2 А
3 G
4 С
5 Е
6 D
в одном из ядерных экспериментов протон с энергией в 1МэВ движется в однородном магнитном поле по круговой траектории. какой энергией (Подробнее...)
Good day, как ответить на вопросы используя just, already or yet?
Respond to the questions (1-5). Use just, already or (Подробнее...)
Народ, а что вы можете сказать о сестрах?)) Что из перечисленного относится к кому?
Listen and read. Which sister (Meg, Jo, Beth (Подробнее...)
Work in pairs. Take turns to offer help e.g. to
buy some cough syrup, make a hot drink, call a
doctor, help with the (Подробнее...)
Какие слова пропущены в тексте?
Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct word formed from the words in brackets. (Подробнее...)