Попроси своего одноклассника закрыть учебник. Проверь, запомнил ли он / она, что у Браунов находится в гостиной.
Is there a sofa in the living room? — Yes, there
Is there a picture on the wall of the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there an armchair in the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there a shelf in the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there a lamp in the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there a piano in the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there a TV in the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there a table in the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there a chair in the living room? — Yes, there is.
Is there a carpet in the living room? — Yes, there is.