Продолжите диалог. Это день рождения вашей бабушки, и вы хотите сделать для нее особый день. Предложите совместный поход на рок-концерт. «Бабуля» может задавать вопросы любого типа, чтобы выяснить как можно больше о концерте. Она может согласиться на такое развлечение или отвергнуть его.
— Happy Birthday, Granny! Many happy returns of the day.
— Oh, dear! It’s so nice of you to remember.
— Look here, Granny, I’ve got a great present for you. It’s a ticket.
Is it a theatre ticket?
— Not exactly. It’s a concert ticket, a rock concert...
— Really? But I don’t know much about the rock music.
— I’m sure you’ll enjoy it! You know, it’s a little bit loud, but the melody is always bewitched.
— Well, I’m not sure that loud music will be interesting.
— But you’ll never know if you don’t try!
— Well, maybe you are right... What should I wear for this concert?
— Something modern would be better. Please don’t wear your dresses and skirts.
— But I haven’t got anything except them.
— Well, I know, you have a pair of jeans. That would he nice!
— OK, let it be jeans. How imaginative my grandchildren are!
So you are going! Great!