Интересные вопросы

Продолжите диалог № 100 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

 Continue the dialogue. It's your grand-
mother's birthday and you want to
make it a special day for her. Sug-
gest going to a rock concert together.
“Granny” should use all kinds of
questions (general, special, alternative
and tag questions) to learn as much as
possible about the concert. It's up to
her whether to accept the invitation or
reject it.
— Happy Birthday. Granny! Many happy
returns of the day:
—  Oh. dear! It's so nice of you to remember.
— Look here. Granny. I've got a great
present for you. It's a ticket.
—  Is it a theatre ticket?
Not exactly. It's a concert ticket, a rock
— concert...


 Продолжите диалог. Это день рождения вашей бабушки, и вы хотите сделать для нее особый день. Предложите совместный поход на рок-концерт. «Бабуля» может задавать вопросы любого типа, чтобы выяснить как можно больше о концерте. Она может согласиться на такое развлечение или отвергнуть его.
—  Happy Birthday, Granny! Many happy returns of the day.
—    Oh, dear! It’s so nice of you to remember.
—  Look here, Granny, I’ve got a great present for you. It’s a ticket.
Is it a theatre ticket?
—   Not exactly. It’s a concert ticket, a rock concert...
—   Really? But I don’t know much about the rock music.
—   I’m sure you’ll enjoy it! You know, it’s a little bit loud, but the melody is always bewitched.
—   Well, I’m not sure that loud music will be interesting.
—    But you’ll never know if you don’t try!
—   Well, maybe you are right... What should I wear for this concert?
—   Something modern would be better. Please don’t wear your dresses and skirts.
—    But I haven’t got anything except them.
—   Well, I know, you have a pair of jeans. That would he nice!
—   OK, let it be jeans. How imaginative my grandchildren are!
So you are going! Great!

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Найди № 26 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

 Look back at the dialogue. Find words
and phrases that mean the following:
•    I didn’t want to make you suffer. (Подробнее...)

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Решите уравнение. ГДЗ Математика 6 класс Чесноков. Дидактические материалы по математике для 6 класса. Вар.1 Вопр.342

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Grefeco и Super EnderGamer
Юля Пушок
Задайте № 59 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions to find out what his / her best
mate is like.

ГДЗАнглийский язык9 классБиболетова М. З.