Интересные вопросы

Продолжите № 17 ГДЗ Английский 9 класс Биболетова М.З.

Develop the situations. Mind the tenses
in the given sentences.
1 .. .Allan plays computer games...
Example: Allan is good at computers but his
mother says that he plays computer games
too much.
2    ...Ashford is playing a computer game.
3    ...Jill cycles in the park...
4     ...Sarah was cycling in the park...
5    ...We had had lunch...
6     ...We had lunch...
7    .. .Julia has returned home from her
8    ...Maria returned home...
9    ... Uncle Robert has been repairing his
10    ...Sam has repaired his car...
11    ...Susan had packed the suitcases...
12    .. .Jessica had been packing the


 Продолжите описание ситуации. Помните о временных формах в предложенных выражениях.
2)    Can you hear those strange sounds? Ashford is playing a computer game, I think.
3)    Jill cycles in the park in any kind of weather. It helps her keep fit.
4)    Sarah was cycling in the park when it started raining. She came home absolutely wet/soaked.
Margaret offered us some sandwiches but we refused because we had had lunch and were not hungry at all.
6)      We had lunch in a little cafe and then continued our journey.
7)      I hope Julia has returned home from her holidays. I want to invite her to my birthday party.
8)      Maria returned home, had a light supper and went to bed earlier than usual.
9)      Uncle Robert has been repairing his car since morning, but it still does not work.
10)    Sam has repaired his car and we can drive to the coast immediately.
11)    When the taxi arrived, Susan had packed the suitcases.
Jessica had been packing the suitcases since morning, but when the taxi arrived, she wasn’t ready yet.

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