a) Look at the picture of Florence Nightingale and read the letter she wrote. What was this woman’s profession and what is she describing?
b) Why do you think Florence was called ‘The Lady With the Lamp’? Read the main text to check.
Explain the meaning of the underlined words. Use a dictionary.

Barrack Hospital, Scutari 14th November, 1854
Not a sponge, nor a rag of linen, not anything I have left. Everything is gone to make pillows and shirts. These poor fellows have not had a clean shirt nor been washed for two months before they came here, and the state in which they arrive from the transport is literally crawling. I hope in a few days we shall establish a little cleanliness. But we have not a basin, nor a towel, nor a bit of soap, nor a broom - I have ordered 300 scrubbing brushes. But one half of the barrack is so out of repair that it is impossible to use a drop of water on the stone floors, which are laid on rotten wood, and would give our men fever in no time.