Интересные вопросы

Приветики! Помогите составить вопросы! Lesson 25. № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс Верещагина.

Pretend you are a teacher. Let your classmates answer your questions. (The words and “Look. Read, Remember!” can help you.)
to buy a ruler and a rubber                       to see Red Square
to live out of town                    to see a new film
to swim in warm water
T.: Why did you go to London?
P1: went there to hear Big Ben.
T.: When did you go there?
P1: went there last year.
1.    Why/London?
2.     Why/Moscow?
3.     Why/the Black Sea?
4.     Why/the cinema?
5.     Why/the country?
6.     Why/the shop?


Стань на время учителем. Пусть твои одноклассники ответят на
твои вопросы (В этом тебе помогут нижеприведенные слова и разтел «Look, read, remember!» этого урока).
-      Why did you go to Moscow?
-        I went there to visit Red Square.
-        When did you go there, I wonder?
-        I went there in September.
-        Why did you go to London?
-        Because I wanted to see a film in the cinema «Odeon»
-        When did you go there?
-        I went there two years ago.
-        Why did you go to the Black Sea, I wonder?
-        Because I wanted to swim in the Black Sea.
-        When did you go there?
-        I went there last summer.
-        Why did you go to the cinema?
-        Because I wanted to sea the new film. «Mickey Mouse» is on.
-        When did you go there, I wonder?
-        I went there yesterday.
-        Why did you go to the country?
-        Because I wanted to swim in the river and to play football.
-        When did you go there?
-        I went there the day before yesterday.
-        Why did you go to the shop?
-        Because I wanted to buy some food.
-        When did you go there?
-        I went there on Sunday morning.

ваш ответ
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