Интересные вопросы

Привет! Правда или ложь? Unit 2. № 51. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова.

Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1.     Great people are the only ones who can learn many foreign languages.
2.     All kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work.
3.     If a person only speaks his mother tongue, hell know all the news in his field.
4.     To be up to date in the work a person should read texts in Esperanto on the Internet.
5.     Learning a third foreign language is easier than learning a first foreign
6.     You must work hard to learn your first foreign language.


  Ответь, соответствуют ли следующие высказывания истине.
1.     Great people are the only ones who can learn many foreign languages. (F)
2.     All kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work. (T)
3.     If a person only speaks his mother tongue, he’ll know all the news in his field. (T)
4.     To be up to date in the work a person should read texts in Esperanto on the Internet. (F)
5.     Learning a third foreign language is easier than learning a first foreign language. (T)
6.     You must work hard to learn your first foreign language. (T)

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Алексей Дедушев
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