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Привет! Помогите заполнить подходящими словами. Unit 2. Progress Check № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
India is situated in Asia. This large country is ... for its ancient culture and outstanding people. It is the birthplace of four world religions.
The ... of the country is New Delhi. Its ... has grown to 1,000 million people. There are 15 official ... in India and thousands of different dialects. People from different parts of the country often do not speak ... language. English is the ... solution (решение) to this communication problem. Children ... English at primary and ... school and then at the university.


Заполните пробелы подходящими словами.
India is situated in Asia. This large country is famous for its ancient culture and outstanding people. It is the birthplace of four world religions.
The capital of the country is New Delhi. Its population has grown to 1,000 million people. There are 15 official languages in India and thousands of different dialects. People from different parts of the country often do not speak the official language. English is the only solution to this communication problem. Children learn English at primary and secondary school and then at the university.

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