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Привет! Помогите закончить таблицу. Модуль (Module) 6e № 9. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева.

Read the sentences (1-6). What are the highlighted linkers followed by? Complete the table.
1    In spite of offering a wide choice of dishes, the general quality of the food was poor.
2    Even though/Although the decor was a little dull, the quality of the food made up for it.
3    It is difficult to find a parking space due to the location of the restaurant.
4    Because of the popularity of this venue, it is advisable to book a table well in advance.
5    The staff were well-trained and polite, despire the service being rather slow.


Прочитай предложения (1-6). Что следует за выделенными словами-связками? Закончи таблицу.
Even though + clause
In spite of, despite + noun/verb/ + -ing
due to, Because of + noun

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Нажимая кнопку «отправить», вы принимаете условия  пользовательского соглашения
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а) 7kn - 6k - 14n + 12;                  в) 9m2 - 9mn - 5m + 5n;
б) 7х + 7а - 6ах - 5а2;    (Подробнее...)

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ГДЗ, английский язык, верещагина, spotlight, афанасьева 9класс Задание 5c №4

Read the examples. Say them in your language. Which show(s) a difference/ similarity between two people/things! a changing situation? (Подробнее...)

Верещагина И.Н.Афанасьева О. В.9 классАнглийский языкSpotlight