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Привет! Помогите соединить предложения. Модуль (Module) 5e № 10. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева.

a Read the theory box. What linkers are used in the story on p. 90?
b Use appropriate linkers to link the sentences below.
1    He was walking down the street. Suddenly it started raining.
He was walking down the street when
suddenly it started raining.
2    She was trying to unlock the door. She was using the wrong key.
3    It wasn't very busy around the pool. We found two sunloungers near the bar.
4    We thought we would never find help. We saw a little house in the distance.
5    We didn’t start to worry. It began to get dark and Holly still hadn’t returned.
6    I turned off my bedside lamp. There was a knock at the door.
7    I tried to pull my leg out from under the rock. It was stuck fast.
8    Andy went to look for Sam. I tried calling him on his mobile phone again.


а Прочитай теоретическую рамку. Какие слова- связки использованы в истории на странице 90?
when, and, while, but, as, by the time, just
b Используй слова-связки, чтобы соединить предло­ жения, данные ниже.
Например: 2 She was trying to unlock the door but she was using the wrong key.
3   It wasn’t very busy around the pool and we found  two
sunloungers near the bar.
4   We thought we would never find help but then we saw a little house in the distance.
5   We didn’t start to worry until it started to get dark and Holly still hadn’t returned.
6     I turned off my bedside lamp and then there was a knock at the door.
7  I tried to pull my leg out from under the rock but it was stuck fast.
8  Andy went to look for Sam while I tried calling him on his mobile phone again.

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