Интересные вопросы

Привет! Помогите отметить место парковкиМодуль (Module) 3b № 4. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 6 класс Ваулина.

Listen to the dialogue between Jane and her driving instructor. They are at point X. Mark the route they take and say where Jane parks the car in the end.
Instructor: Are you ready Jane?
Jane: Yes! Let's do this.
Instructor: OK, remember now, you have to be careful on the road all the time. OK, go down Bridge Road towards the Park hotel.
Jane: OK! Should I go straight or do you want me to turn right into Apple Street?
instructor: No, you can't turn right into Apple Street and you can't go straight. Look at the sign!
Jane: Oh yeah! I can only turn left here.
Instructor: Very good! So, turn left into Apple Street.
Jane: Here we go ...
Instructor: Perfect! Now, stop at the traffic lights because the light is red. When the light turns green, turn left into Mill Street.
Jane: I see.
Instructor: Now, park in front of the hospital.
Jane: But I can t park there! Look at the sign.
Instructor: Excellent! Turn left into Green Street and go towards the park.
Jane: Fine.
Instructor: Watch out! There’s a car coming.


Послушайте диалог между Джейн и ее инструктором по вождению. Они находятся на пункте X. Нарисуйте маршрут, которому они следуют и скажите, где Джейн припарковала машину в конце.
Ответ: They go down Bridge Road. They turn left into apple Street. They turn left into Mill Street. They turn left into Mill Street. Jane parks the car near the park.

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