Researching a helpline or charity in your country
• Brainstorm helplines and charities in your
country and write them on the board.
• Arrange Ss in groups of 3 or 4.
• Explain the task.
• Allow Ss access to the Internet to complete their
projects. Alternatively, ask Ss to bring information
to the next lesson and complete the project then.
• Invite groups to present their projects to the
Suggested Answer Key
‘Action for Russia’s Children’ is a British charity
that works to help Russian charities provide an
alternative to orphanages and children’s homes.
It helps children and young people in Moscow who
have all kinds of special needs: physically and
mentally disabled children and the homeless.
To help ARC you can take part in fundraising
events, for example the ARC’s annual ball,
volunteer to help on one of their projects or
donate money, etc