Интересные вопросы

Представьте 4A № 1 ГДЗ Spotlight Английский 11 класс Афанасьева О.В.

Imagine you are the person in the picture.
Listen to the music and imagine the scene.
What can you see, hear, touch, taste, smell?
How do you feel?


Imagining and describing a scene
•      Focus Ss' attention on the person in the
picture. Ask them to imagine that they are in
this situation.
•      Play the recording and ask Ss to imagine what
they experience using all their senses.
•       Invite individual Ss to share their descriptions
with the class.
Suggested Answer Key
All around me I can see ice and mountains. The
sky is grey but I can see far into the distance.
Everything is grey and white. I hear the sound
of my heart beating - otherwise there is
silence. My feet touch the side of the
mountain and I hang there. I feel the weight of
my body and I wonder how much longer I’ll be
able to hold on. I taste the ice-cold water
from the icicles around me. I smell the fresh
mountain air as it goes into my lungs. I feel
exhausted and extremely frightened.

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